Saturday, October 11, 2008

You'd be Surprised.

So, the stock markets are in a competition with McCain to see who can hit the ground first!

No, but seriously, it’s been a good day for the McCain camp. First it was ruled that Sarah Palin was innocent of abusing her power, then it was ruled McCain had no role in the Horse of Troy attack. BECAUSE HE’S OLD!

McCain made controversy in the second Presidential debate this week by referring to Senator Obama as ‘that one’. Well, I guess it’s a slight improvement over ‘gook’..

It’s been announced that while Pregnant women may have mood swings and cravings, they don’t become more forgetful. However, it’s been revealed that couples do become forgetful in the minutes leading up to conception, which is the problem in the first place.

Speaking of kids, a new report says that life expectancy for children is decreasing. A spokesperson was quoted as saying that “This was not a legacy we wanted to leave our children.” The good news? If it keeps decreasing then we won’t be. They’ll be gone before us.

It was revealed that the names of 100,000 British servicemen may have fallen into terrorist hands. Still, I wouldn’t worry I don’t think the terrorists were that smart.
Get this, among the names was the revelation that Princes William an Harry reside in Buckingham Palace.

In local news, Kevin Rudd announced that the government was considering bumping the GST up to 12%

Oh, good, right up there with his approval rating,

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