Thursday, December 20, 2007

Bruckheimer-MTV Deal Announced

Bruckheimer-MTV Deal Announced

Totilo's Money Hat in Post

In a move sure to excite Red Barrels- and terrify accompanying enemies- Jerry Bruckheimer, the man widely credited for in inventing the explosion, announced his foray into videogames today. Although previously staying clear of videogames, Bruckheimer credits the graphics of the next generation of videogame consoles- particularly the Microsoft Xbox 360 and Sony Playststation 3- for convincing to sign a US $500 Million partnership with MTV. 'Before this time videogame consoles really couldn't do justice to the level of carnage and destruction that I typically put my name to, thus I avoided them like Christopher Walken should have avoided Kangaroo Jack', said Bruckheimer , speaking for his plush Los Angeles home.

Although coy as to what exactly his exact role would entail, it seems likely that it will entail little more than copious use of his name and heavily filled bags of money, a role that he has enjoyed throughout his 'career'. He was similarly shy about revealing exactly games would be developed, although rumors abound that the first games will be 2-d Platformers, considering that the last time either MTV or Mr Bruckheimer was relevant was around 1992.

The other chemical in this volitile mix, MTV, was more open to questions about the deal, in paticular espousing the value of Bruckheimer in MTV's growth in the videogames industry to EA like proportions, suggesting that MTV are interested in ruining media spheres other than music television.

Bruckheimer began his career in 1970, before hurtling to fame after directing an art house retrospective on the nature of inexplicably exploding objects , and has produced several Oscar winning films, including Bad Boys, it's critically acclaimed sequel, and the heart wrenchingly poignant Armageddon, in which Brice Willis professed his love to an asteroid.
MTV, after originally having origins as a music video station, has recently branched out into videogames -like the successful inadequacy machine Rock Band- and strangely arousing pseudo-reality shows.

Note: I feel like an asshole now, as I totally love Stephen Totilo (enough to correctly spell his last name) and that money hat line was out of order. Also, the Prince of Persia movie sounds awesome, in theory. In theory.

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