Monday, December 1, 2008

We’ve secretly replaced Simpsons Episodes with Bold and the Beautiful episodes. Let’s see if anybody notices…


Remember the episode of the Simpsons where Bart gets an elephant? Wasn’t that great when you first saw it fifteen years ago? And then again every three months when Ten would repeat it? And then again when you bought the season 5 DVDs?

Well damnit, for some people that isn’t enough. They still need to see it. And that TEN has canceled The Simpsons for the summer they're spilling out onto the message boards like drunks out into the cold street.

Let's see what they have to say...

Mockfrog: Transmitting live from the 1940’s.

Ironically enough, this message is actually one of the most persuasive arguments for a dictatorship ever.

I'd join him, but where else will I find three year old repeats of NCIS to watch?

As a passionate drunk late night television watcher, I’m also deeply concerned about Ten’s lack of quality midnight programming.

Wait, what’s this box under my TV?

As somebody who doesn’t live in the country your channel airs in and have no business watching, I’m deeply concerned about these turn of events.

The Silver lining. Raymond is back!

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