-One Drink
Ha. I sure showed Girl Talk, I chose “I don’t value sampled music” That’ll teach you to give your product away for free!
2 Drinks.
Hmm. Does listening to a Girl Talk CD make me blacker or whiter?
3 Drinks
Sense of superiority kicks in when I correctly recognize the first bassline as a sample from ‘Gimme Some Lovin’’ not ‘My Sharona’ as seemingly millions of other listeners thought. Feel like boasting to someone, then realize that I have nobody to boast to. Perhaps because I’m someone who would boast about recognizing a Spencer
4 Drinks
Sense of superiority in overdrive. Begin to remark that anybody could make a CD like this and that no creativity is involved. Vow to make own sample based CD.
5 Drinks.
After realizing I can’t make a record like this, begin to make disparaging remarks to self regarding Girl Talk.
Best one:
What’s Girl Talk’s favorite flavor of chips?
Anything but Original!
6 Drinks.
Listening experience is beginning to decrease. Continually referring to samples being ‘That Song’, as I’m unsure what the real song title is.
7 Drinks
Soft sobbing begins to make music hard to hear. Collapse into whimpering heap. Dream about Percy Sledge riding Haley’s Comet through an intersection. Good times.
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