Sunday, October 14, 2007

Story Time: Heroes 0203: Kindred

Heroes has a gimmick, which has a problem. The gimmick? What happens when average people get superpowers? The problem? Most average people are generally unlikable. The first season dodged this problem pretty well, creating a mostly likable ensemble of characters (bar the most annoying family in the known Universe, leaving even the Bush family trailing in the dust*). In the second season however, heroes seem to consist of either unmitigated douche baggery, or just plain uninteresting characters.

The Spanish brother and Sister are quickly solidifying their role as this seasons Nicky and D.L (without the child together I’d assume) as we follow them through their continually tedious journey through Southern America. This week’s episode saw them taking a detour through a Mexican jail (seriously, when stealing a car, try looking 30 feet away form you!). After another use of their ‘power’, they manage to befriend a North Americano (complete with Nissan Rouge, the car of your dreams!)

The other inclusion in this season, that young ‘I can just tell he’s digging that new Dashboard CD’ West, is perhaps the worst character yet.
I have no problem with High School Dramas (damnit, I loved the OC) but when Heroes degenerates into the type of shoddy narrative and characters that have thus far graced this storyline, I feel the need to raise the issue. It’s not like Heroes can’t do that type of story.

Hell, last season Zach was a fine sidekick to Claire’s shenanigans, and even the whole Football rape subplot was more interesting then West.

And can I just say, that flying scene and the lead up to it? Perhaps the dumbest fucking thing I have witnessed in my entire life. Not quite convincing CG, not quite convincing characters and downright bad dialogue managed to create a perfect storm.

If there are any positives to be gleamed from West, it’s the way that he’s likely to be an interesting disruption Claire’s relationship with her father. Her being full of cute teenage angst and him being full of well, rationality.

However, there were good things. Perhaps the biggest surprise (well not really, what with it being in the teasers) was the fact that Sylar is still alive and well. What’s more he is (‘was’ now I guess) accompanied by a GOB Bluth like female. (judging by the way she seemed intent on informing everyone on her ‘Illusions, Michael!’ . The fact that Sylar no longer has is powers was probably kind of inevitable, as the Heroes writers seem to take joy in delaying things as much as possible, starving idiots of information.

This brings us to Peter. Aside from the obvious questions (like why does he have to take his to shirt off to yell random words? Is female viewer ship that low) it was interesting to see some sort of closure and acceptance in out heartwarming little Irish diversion. Is there a possibility that we shall see Peter join the Irish ranks, along with faux accent to boot?

It seems to this viewer that Sylar and Peter are almost at polar opposites. Sylar with knowledge of what happened but no powers, and the opposite the case for Peter. It’ll be interesting to see how this will develop the characters, especially that Peter has the chance to regain at least some knowledge of his prior life

Down ancient Japan way, It seems increasingly likely that Hiro isn’t going to be Kensei, something I’m actually surprised, and slightly disappointed, at. I mean come on, can there being anything cooler then Hiro being his own Hero?

Of course the series is still young, and Hiro’s work seems not yet to be done. I imagine the main problem is that the actual Kensei cannot actually die, so taking his place may prove to be a little difficult. Also, why is Hiro writing to Ando halfway through his adventure? Or am I just seeing things wrong? It wouldn’t be the first time.

Heroes is still plodding along fine, despite the new characters being generally unlikable thus far (I still want Kristen Bell damnit!). I’m probably being a bit harsh, but it’s only because I know that Heroes can do so much better.

*Note: I have no problem with any of the Bushes, but come on, facts are facts.

Holy Dunders, I feel nerdy dirty now.

Goodnight Rose.

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