As I alluded (or perhaps directly threatened…) to last night, I would be most unhappy if I didn’t get Season 3 of Veronica Mars delivered to me today. As in ‘Why are people selling stolen memorabilia?’ angry (is that reference old yet?) Luckily, my skin pigment can stay just the same, as it has indeed arrived, and there are even pictures to prove it!
When I opened up the packaging there was this. See, it’s like a gate, with Ms Mars on the left and Mr Mars on the other side, with previously mentioned gate being in between them. Both of them have their arms crossed, perhaps some sort of secret PI detective thing? At this stage this is unclear, but the gate is like a metaphor (for a gate), giving you access to all the disc.
Speaking of discs, there are six of them. Veronica’s picture was on the first, and the fellow named Piz is on the second.
Before you ask, the left-hand poster is one for Sufjan Stevens, and the right is an Elliot Smith one. The Bed is also nautically themed, as nowhere near me sells bed sheets with Vinnie Van Loe on them. If they did I would totally buy them.
Here is a picture that came out very badly. As you can (barely) see Weevil and is on the screen, it’s like I’m just there watching it. Maybe you were walking in, and I would look around and say ‘Oh, Hello. I didn’t hear you come in.’ You know, like I was Mark Twain off of Letterman
Also visible are Arrested Development season two, and other Non-Veronica Mars associated miscellanea.
Here is another picture with the same thing happening. Weevil is much fatter now, perhaps of that fattening Prison cuisine. He may or may not be bad, it is too early to tell. In this picture it looks like he is trying to kiss someone, but that is not actually the case.
And yes, they are subtitles. I like them. They are like sounds, but for the eyes.
That's all for today.
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