Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thought Processes that inhabited my brain this week.

Welcome to the first in a long boring series of Pop Culture related matters that inhabited my brain/inhibited my thinking for the week.

Mash Ups:

Imagine if you will, a mash up CD of Death Cab for Cuties’ Plans and Transatlanticism. It’ name? Plansatlanticism.
Don’t act like you’re not jealous, I can tell you are! I made it up! All by myself!

Gradual shifts in Cuteness.

Sunrise. Sunset.

For every ultra cute ex-OC girl appearing on House, there is a Heroes starlet changing from ‘cute’ to ‘You only have one copy of that tape right?’
This second one is not a good thing. Okay, well it’s kind of good.

Burn Out, Fade Away, Etc.

How does Ryan Adams write so many songs? I’ve written one and a half over this week and the resulting stress/depression/acknowledgement of ineptitude is enough to made me want to embed a kitchen knife in my leg.

Oh my god! She’s Mixing!

So this is how rehab feels.

Obviously the writers of my favorite TV shows have seen this blog, and deemed that it was best that I went cold turkey. The result? Me constantly question how I’m going to live the week out without loving the Office/whinging about Prison Break/ Limping and Criticizing everyone like House

They do call me the Human Metronome

Despite it only being mid-November I am already thinking of my Favourite of the Year lists. Strike it down to my OCD being in full effect, but making lists are lots of fun. Right up there with diligent note taking and sitting quietly.

Well, at least he hangs around with that cute almost-emo girl

Despite my previous thoughts, turn out that Summer Heights High wasn’t just a vehicle for Chris Lilley to use to continue his love of cross dressing. Sure, it lost momentum at the end, but in future I shall not be so hasty to hate.

Things that are jokes (Terrible terrible jokes, but jokes)
So, did anyone who voted in the Australian election noticed the What Women Want party?

Well, apparently the reason they did so badly was that even they weren't sure what their policies where. AOBF!


I've been meaning to watch Grey's Anatomy, as I girl that I used to know used to recommend it to me (unfortunately she never 'used' me if you catch my drift..). I was too lazy to find the DVD's, so I figured I'd read the book instead.
Personally I don't know what the fuss is, I mean, does this thing even have a plot? Barring the full frontal nudity, I'm not sure what why I'm actually reading it.

Things that, unfortunately, are not jokes:

The Terms 'Ruddslide', and even more comically 'Ruddbath'. Really? Why the fuck to news agencies feel the need to compact things. Watergate worked, becasue that's what it actually was.

Tell me, when Watergate actually happened were there any stupid headlines (Nixon 'Nix' documents! Leaking Papers? May You burn in 'Ell's' sir!) No, so why now?

'Rudd Wins Election'.

That's all you need to say.

Ah, simpler times.

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